On a cold December Sunday, the Lynch Management Team helped homeless members of the public, as part of an event organised by the HS2 SCS Railways, Area East team. Everyone who took part worked incredibly hard to deliver 300 hot meals and essential items to homeless people within the London borough of Camden. Directors Steve Bremner, Rob Lynch, Steve Sutch, and Operations Manager Andy Burrows were in attendance, helping distribute supplies.
Andy Burrows sourced over 300 essential items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, blankets, woolly hats, thick socks and more to help people keep warm and feel like they are not alone. Andy dropped supplies to the site in Euston earlier in the week in the all-electric minibus, all ready for the weekends’ event. Any of the supplies that were left over from the day were donated to the local foodbank in Euston for distribution to people in need.
Lynch all-electric minibus loaded up with supplies
The Lynch team have always been passionate about helping people and doing more for our communities, and this event gave us that opportunity. Not one of the people that we met that day was rude, aggressive, or negative in any way, and we could tell that we helped them. SCS Railways should be proud of what they put together
Andy Burrows
Andy Burrows with display of supplies
Batch of Dual Defence warm socks
Andy continued to share: "They mobilised the whole supply chain and they made this happen. Because of them, we helped people that day. We did a great thing, and we are going to collaborate with them again with more community projects.”
Steve Sutch said: “This joined-up approach enables us to deliver more together than we could individually, boosting outcomes for local people, ensuring communities along the route are benefiting from investment in HS2 and helping Britain’s post-pandemic economic recovery.”
The whole event was a great example of why collaboration is so important. Everyone demonstrated incredible teamwork and the whole supply chain came together to achieve something good. We are very honoured to have been a part of this, and we welcome the opportunity to give back to the community and help those in need.
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