Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Interview with Gareth Marriott, Head of People and Culture at Lynch
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Interview with Gareth Marriott, Head of People and Culture at Lynch

By Sophie Holdrick

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Gareth, thank you for joining us today. Let's start with the basics. What are the benefits of Fairness, Inclusion, and Respect (FIR) at Lynch, and why is it so important? 

"Thank you for having me. The benefits of FIR at Lynch are numerous. Firstly, it helps us attract and retain a diverse pool of employees, essential for fostering innovation and business improvements. When we have team members from various thought and cultural backgrounds, they bring different mindsets and perspectives, which can lead to more creative solutions and better decision-making. 

In terms of specific outcomes, we've seen significant improvements in our workplace culture. For instance, the diverse mix of our office staff has led to a more engaging and supportive environment for everyone. This diversity shows our commitment not just to our employees, but also to our customers, demonstrating that we are aligned with their goals while contributing to building Britain's infrastructure. 

On a personal note, FIR is important to me because of my daughter. I want to be an ally for her and others, whether that's in terms of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, or ability. It's about creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected." 

That's inspiring to hear! Can you share some measures or indicators that show how FIR has impacted Lynch? 

"Absolutely. We've seen several positive trends since implementing FIR initiatives. Our retention rates have increased, which means more employees are choosing to stay with us longer. Our engagement scores have also risen, indicating that our team is more connected and committed to their work. Additionally, our turnover has reduced, and we have a more diverse mix of employees. Importantly, we've had zero discrimination cases, which is a strong indicator of a respectful and inclusive work environment." 

Those are impressive results. Now, can you tell us about some of the projects Lynch is currently working on? 

"Certainly. One of our major projects is revamping our recruitment process to ensure it's diverse and wide-reaching. We're working closely with our exclusive recruitment agency to achieve this goal. Additionally, we host operator recruitment events across the country, including in schools, job centres, open days, and even prisons, to tap into a broad talent pool. 

We also have an EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) Calendar where we focus on different topics and events throughout the year. For instance, this year we celebrated World Menopause Day for the first time. We also share resources on various topics on our company intranet, increasing awareness and understanding. 

Another significant project is working with our suppliers to provide inclusive PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that fits all our employees properly.

Even small changes can make a big impact, such as our "Thursday Thoughts" sessions, which cover important topics like unconscious bias and other relevant issues." 

It sounds like Lynch is making great strides in promoting FIR. Thank you for sharing these insights, Gareth. 

"Thank you. It's a continuous journey, and we're committed to making Lynch a place where everyone feels valued and respected." 

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