Celebrating Black History Month at Lynch
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Celebrating Black History Month at Lynch

By Sophie Holdrick

reading time

We’ve marked Black History Month with our commitment to championing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and making every member of our team feel valued and important.

This year's theme is "Saluting our Sisters", and we're so happy to have welcomed Mariama Conteh to our depot. Mariama graced us with an informative and inspiring talk about her journey and the challenges she has faced. Her story reminded us of the significance of acknowledging and celebrating the achievements of Black individuals in our society. It's through sharing these stories that we learn, grow, and build a more inclusive future for everyone.

Celebrating Black History Month is not just a month-long event but a year-round commitment to fostering a more inclusive environment.

Join us in celebrating Black History Month, and let's continue to learn, grow, and stand together in unity. 

#blackhistorymonth #salutingoursisters

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