Celebrating Black History Month
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Celebrating Black History Month

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Yesterday afternoon, the Skanska Partner Event: ‘Celebrating Black History Month’ took place. The workshop focused on the people who have made a real difference to the country, and the challenges we are facing to educate, develop and lead real change in the infrastructure sector.

Rayon Brown, one of the six panellists, has been a plant Operator for fourteen years. He is currently working on a main works HS2 site, Euston approach. We caught up with Rayon to learn about his successes and discover what taking part in this event means to him. Rayon came to the UK from Jamaica in 2000 and has had what he describes as “an amazing experience”.

“There are two reasons for me taking part in the conference. Firstly, it’s to celebrate Black History Month, to celebrate great black people in the UK and in the world. Secondly, it’s to explore how we can continue to progress and grow. So much has changed in my time here, and now it is about how we in the industry push that change and move forward.” Rayon commented.

Everyone has to take personal responsibility for ensuring inclusion and diversity in the industry

Rayon Brown - Plant Operator

Rayon wants to celebrate his own successes, and work to ensure that everyone has access to an equal platform. Speaking at the event, he emphasised the importance of building deep and meaningful relationships with our colleagues. “Everyone has to take personal responsibility for ensuring we have inclusion and diversity in the industry. We must diversify our circle of influence and invest in people who have different views and experiences to us. For businesses to lead change, we must challenge ourselves to include these people.”

Lynch is proud of Rayon, and we are committed to driving positive change in the construction industry.

Visit https://www.blackhistorymonth.org.uk/ for more information.

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